As John O Donohue the famous Irish writer said, “…to be born is to be chosen. No one is here by accident”. I love that thought because it deepens my inquiry as to why I am actually here! I also find the statement to be bold. Irish writers are not afraid to be bold or to think outside of the box!
I know that there are many arguments that can and have been made regarding John’s statement above, but I totally agree with his wise words. The above quote comes from John’s stellar work Anam Cara (soul friend in Irish). In Anam Cara John goes on to write,” This selectivity intimates a sheltering providence that dreamed you, created you and always minds you. You were not consulted on the major factors that shaped your destiny: when you were born; to whom you were born or. where you would be born. Imagine the difference it would have made to your life had you been born into the house next door.
John’s conversation above gets me thinking:
For what have I been chosen?
If my life is not an accident, there must be deep meaning for my life. Am I living up to this sacred contract? How can I take my commitment to live fully to the next level?
Consider asking yourself the above questions. And, for a new perspective on life, ask yourself, “What would it have been like if I had been born next door?”
Maureen Simon