These days I have been reading a book called “Ask & It Is Given” by Ester and Jerry Hicks. It has become very clear to me that when we rediscover our innate ability to allow well being to steadily flow in to our lives, that our lives are lived from an elevated level. We are the ones who restrict our experiences from the steady flow of well being. In the book, the Art of Allowing our natural well being is referred to frequently as “the art of no longer restricting the well being that you deserve; the well being that is natural; the well being that is your legacy…”
If it is true that we are the ones that allow for our own well being, what gets in our way? What stops us or restricts us from living well every day of our lives. If this well being is natural and it is said to be our legacy, let’s take a look at some of the hindrances that we create:
- Fear – of failure, of success, of accomplishing, of not accomplishing
- Sabotaging our potential – not feeling worthy
- Underestimating or not being clear about our gifts
- Not staying fit and maximizing our life energy and life force
- Not setting boundaries or limits with ourselves and other people
The list goes on and on. Add your own. But take this moment to name the hindrance but next to it, name the potential solution. If our well being is up to us, it is our responsibility to find a way to support it, to flow naturally on a daily basis.
Take a moment to identify your hindrances to your personal well being. Create a solution for each hindrance. Go for it!
Maureen Simon