Unless our life holds the potential and possibility for us to contribute to something bigger than and outside of ourselves, we can lose the excitement for living. Each of us holds a unique gift that the world is now waiting for. Take a moment to notice where your life lights up, what topics and subjects in the news catch your eye and where your heart increases its beat. These are the very places where we need to place more intention.
Some might say – “But where is that? I can’t feel it. I can’t find it.” I would respond – “Listen – listen deeply”. Like anything else in life, where we place our attention, information and energy follows. Once we have made a simple commitment to listen, doors will open; new opportunities will come our way. In most cases, we need to do little more than stay tuned – and listen.
Declare yourself to a contribution. This is one way to begin the journey of advanced self awareness regarding our highest potential in this world. Just the very act of contributing in an area of life or on an area of interest, will inevitably open many doors. Take the first step. Listen and move towards an area of interest that holds contribution, and then stay tuned.
Maureen Simon,
Contributing Author, Women in the Lead