Often when I speak with women in my consultancy I hear quotes such as:
"I don't think I have ever "owned" who I am - or internalized my greatest gifts. I am stuck.” Often women who are finding their true value and voice feel unclear about their greatest gifts and strengths. In order for us to make a significant contribution in the world we need to understand our gifts and claim and live them.
Some thoughts on Owning Who You Are:
~ To own who you are is to be clear about what you value and what you are here to express and contribute.
~ It involves prioritizing ones self and one’s needs so that one can be fully present.
~ It involves moving into your own skin fully so that you can voice and show up in a way that allows your full expression.
When we live fully expressed our life takes on a new meaning, energy and joy.
Maureen Simon
Maureen Simon, Contributing Author