Why is it that some days just start out on a path that within a few hours, your day feels frazzled and chaotic? Even with all the lists made and priorities highlighted, somehow we somtimes unintentionally get diverted in directions we didn't plan. Ever feel like this??? I admit it, I do sometimes.
Today, in my quiet time, a little piece I needed to read was in front of me to put things in perspective on a seemingly frazzled day. It was written by Emmet Fox:
"The Law of Life is to live in the present, this applies to both time and space. Keep your attention to the present moment---where you are right now. Do a fair day's work, and then stop. Overwork is not productive in the long run."
Some days a fair day's work seems out of reach, does it for you?
He went on to tell a story to bring this idea to life:
"A friend of mine was visiting a great cathedral in Italy. Just inside the door was a magnificent mosaic extending the width of the building, but not yet completed. ...the number of tiny pieces of different colored marble involved in it staggered the imagination. A man was on his knees working away and my friend, who spoke Italian, whispered to him, "What as stupendous task you have! I could not even dream of undertaking so much work." The man replied quietly, "Oh, I know about how much I can do comfortably in one day. Each morning I mark out a certain area, and I don't bother my head thinking outside of that space. Before I know where I am the job will be complete."
What area will you mark out to focus your attention on today?
Best wishes,
Debbe Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead
Putting Our Differences to Work
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership and High Performance
by Debbe Kennedy ▪ Berrett-Koehler ▪ May 2008 – Hardcover
Foreword by Joel A. Barker, futurist, filmmaker and author
Paradigms: The Business of Discovering the Future
YouTube Book Review by futurist Joel A. Barker