Knowing what we value deeply-what we hold most dear, when in alignment with being of service to the greater will of all allows us to take right action in our personal and professional lives when the will and action are conscious and in alignment, integrity follows. One of the greatest challenges is to be clear on what is most important to us and have the courage to act in a manner that is right. Some examples to look at are the whistleblowers that have uncovered deceptive actions that have caused great pain in the lives of many. There is a voice within us that tells us when we are acting right and when we are not. Small children are taught this from a very small age in huts in Africa and India and mansions in the Riviera.
One of the things that is most important is to take a regular inventory of how we feel about the decisions that we are making in our life day-to-day. Trust that inner voice; it carries the wisdom of the ages. For more information on this topic join me for the upcoming webinar Creating, Influence, Success, and Power from the Feminine e-mail me at [email protected].
Maureen Simon
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