Have you long had the sense that you are here to live a big life? Perhaps you have already achieved great success in particular areas of your life but are certain there is something more—and that something “more” has little to do with quantity and everything to do with quality. There is a life awaiting you that is profoundly beautiful and richly satisfying, and suddenly you are willing to cross any terrain in order to meet it.
Going to the Outer Edge
In seeking to find the unblurred truth of your purpose and destiny, you may feel at times as though you’re caught in a maze of cultural conditioning and familial influences, along with some of your own once-useful, now outdated attitudes and beliefs. You’re not alone. Most of us have, for varying periods of time, taken to hibernating in an attempt to protect ourselves from both real and imagined dangers. When the pressures of living in a fast-moving world have felt overwhelming, a long, deep “nap” has seemed to be a reasonable coping technique. Then comes a point—one you’ve undoubtedly reached—where the cost of missing the sheer grandeur of life’s depth and breadth is too high a price to pay. Waking up becomes the imperative.
In a status quo culture, remembering what you’re here for and consciously choosing the life you were meant to live is risky business. It makes skydiving and walking on hot coals seem rather tame, although there is a distinct similarity. Like most extreme sports, diving fully into life is a conscious act that requires an artful synthesis of calculated risks, preparation and skillful planning. When you whole-heartedly embark on the “Hero’s Journey” (that solitary quest to discover your true life) and when you make an agreement with yourself to wake up and allow all that has stopped you in the past to drop away, you discover an amazing paradox: You actually do have the assistance and support of your true friends, the world and the entire universe.
Maureen Simon
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