When true passion guides our life, things feel good, stuff gets accomplished and our boat floats down the river. We have to get real about this topic, because we often don’t have a good balance or discretion about what really feels good. Women in particular-placate, please, and build peace—these are great attributes as long as we don’t lose ourself and what we love to be and do in the process. Passion is a huge indicator, if you know when your life is juiced alive and ignited you have reached a place where doors will fling open, opportunities will present themselves and you will live a life you truly desire. We need to place our attention on what feels good and right in life for this to happen.
I’ve been speaking to a number of people recently who said that they are just not clear on what feels right in life for them at this time. I am convinced that we are at a point now where so many systems are being restructured that we ourselves don’t even know what feels right. Now knowing is not good enough any longer. Our personal responsibility to pay attention to what feels right and good in our life will lead us to answers that we thought we may never find.
I read a book once entitled, “You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought” I enjoyed the title more than the book as it inspired me at that time in my life that I was luxuriating in negativity – tossing my hands up to the skies and wondering what part of the challenges that I was living did I actually have a say in. Years later, I have come to realize that I have a say in a large portion of this life that I am co-creating. I am co-creating with you, with spirit, with nature and with this grand universe but at the end of the day my very thoughts lead me to the life that I live on a daily basis. I have learned to look closely at what feels good to me as I use the most clearly defined moral code that I have a available to me I combine the two and live life to the fullest.
Today, take time to look around your world and identify what really feels good what do you look forward to spending time on. What do you need to eliminate that is taking up too much of your time and not serving you well. I truly believe now more than ever we are at a time in history where we need to take personal responsibility and make decisions about our lives that serve us based on what feels right. Don’t feel greedy; you are actually serving the betterment of all when you take time to create a better life.
Maureen Simon
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