It is remarkable how things escape your notice until a perfect moment. In recent months, so many of you have reported that you are in the continouous state of re-evaluation --- reassessing how you will bring your unique gifts to this new world --- one changing and in turmoil in every direction you look. For some of us, everything we've counted on has been stripped way, asking us to reach deep inside to rediscover our own greatness.
This morning quite by chance, I came across a poem that I found in my father's treasures after he passed away. My dad was an optimistic man. He carried his share of tragedy and triumphs, but from his what he valued and left behind, I have recognized more fully that he was a man with a capacity to find HOPE in tomorrow. He was a man always working to become more in his own way.
This poem draws upon this quality that lies in us all...
a poem found in my father's treasures
There is a call to greatness
for every soul on earth--
A call to rise to our full height,
Assert our finest worth.
There is a call to greatness
So often we ignore--
We can't believe that it is we
The awesome call is for.
We fail to measure up,
For in our deprecating eyes
We cannot see that in ourselves
Potential greatness lies.
...There is a call to greatness,
Sometime, somewhere for all---
And life's dimensions rest upon
Our answer to the call.
by Helen Lowry Marshall
Quiet Power
How will you answer to the call?
What potential in you is still left to discover?
Warm regards...
ONLINE Professional Development Class
as the Global Dialogue Center
Are you a NEW IDEA? An INNOVATION yourself with something new and different to offer. Futurist Joel Barker is joining me to teach a special ONLINE professional class on OCTOBER 15. It is focused on learning how to engage others in your great ideas at work, in your business, with customers, or even if YOU are the new idea that you're presenting to the world.
Women in the LEAD Blog Readers may enroll with STUDENT discount.
Learn more...
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead
Putting Our Differences to Work
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership and High Performance
by Debbe Kennedy ▪ Berrett-Koehler ▪ May 2008 – Hardcover
Foreword by Joel A. Barker, futurist, filmmaker and author
Paradigms: The Business of Discovering the Future
YouTube Book Review by futurist Joel A. Barker