The webinars that we have been hosting in The Living Room at The Essential Feminine™ Company have been looking at influence and success from the Feminine Perspective. Influence and success are powerful qualities that women now need to confidently develop in order to have the voice and capability to contribute to the decisions that are critical in our world today.
When women gain a clear understanding that they hold natural attributes such as the ability to collaborate, care for others, the ability to build relationships, and the ability to work well with ambiguity – to name a few attributes of the feminine—we will move more confidently into the world. Our ability to use our voice and our natural gifts will make a major differencing the direction that the world is now going in. Never before has there been a more critical time for women to become comfortable with influence and success. On December 2 and December 9 we will be moving to the next two webinars entitled Living with Influence and Success from the Feminine Perspective. During these events we will be focusing on what women need in order to develop these skills and how to create the incoming new year with greater confidence clarity and success. Contact us at [email protected] for more details.
Maureen Simon | |
Co-Contributor | | | | | | | | | |
Join our Facebook Group "Women Influencing Now" | |
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