Many women are exploring ways to create more success in their lives. I think that’s great, but I think there’s more to life for women than just success. So often we have been putting on the trousers, climbing the ladder, and doing things in a masculine way in all areas of our life. The problem with this is that we inevitably leave an important part of our authentic self behind- our feminine self. It’s important to keep in mind that women are predisposed genetically and through socialization- to a whole series of unique assets talents and gifts that are special and sourced in our feminine nature.
How can we begin to use these feminine gifts in a way that allows us to contribute at a high level, fully expressing our power and doing so from a feminine perspective? The answer to this could lead you to one of the most freeing revelations of your life. Every woman has a personal response to this question in my twenty-five years of working with women I have heard hundreds. What’s yours?
Maureen Simon
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