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Janina Browarska

Dear Debbe, I feel that as leaders today women must develop an attitude of gratitude, because in doing so we "lose our egos" (Chopra) and egos stand in the way of our own progress and that of truly reaching out to others.
To achieve success we must know our own spirituality and come from a place of willingness to constantly grow in order to make this world a better place. Our gratitude first and foremost!

Bets Regards

debbe kennedy

Dear Nina,
Thank you so much for stopping by to share your message --- so great to see you too!
I agree that GRATITUDE changes everything...sometimes our gifts come in packages that seem different than we imagined, but in the end, we see all the pieces that made a great life possible.
Warmest regards, Nia,

Sally Roesch Wagner

Dear Debbe,
I am so delighted to see your quote from Gage. I am the Executive Director of the Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation. We are restoring her house in Fayetteville, NY and more importantly, restoring her to her rightful place in history. As an empowerer of women's leadership, and a champion of dialogue. Visit our website: www.matildajoslyngage.org.
Sally Roesch Wagner

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