The gauntlet has been thrown down. Last year at the 5th Annual Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society, “what clearly emerged from the Women’s Forum…is the insight that with global economic crisis come global issues that are so complex and intertwined, no one party can hand off responsibility to another. Business, professionals, academics, innovators, entrepreneurs, governments and public bodies alike have to care and have to take up these challenges practically. We need to find different models for social and economic progress or face repercussions and continued cyclical economic time bombs. The Women’s Forum put women at the centre of this challenge and the heart of the solution.”
It was for good reason that the Women’s Forum put women at the center of this challenge. Women have the natural talents and gifts to see things differently and to create different “models for social and economic progress”. This is based on their feminine attributes of collaboration, intuition, relationship building, and communication abilities to name a few. As recent studies have shown, diversity at the board level of companies and women holding decision making positions improves both the quality and soundness of decision making and quality of performance. We must educate ourselves and our young girls to this fact.
This is the time to believe in our feminine gifts and to develop them. It is only through these gifts that we can empower change, contribute to our own success and that of the world around us.
Maureen Simon
Create Your Blueprint for 2010
[email protected]
Join our Facebook Group "Women Influencing Now"
P.S. The Forum was held on 15-17 October 2009 under the theme "Think again, think ahead! It is time for action change and hope." A review of the Forum was written by * Julia Harrison, Managing Partner of FD Blueprint (FD Blueprint is a leading EU public affairs company) and Member Founding Committee of Women’s Forum (Belgium) and published in the December 14 issue of the European Business Review.