Having someone believe in us changes how we respond to the challenges of leadership. It's empowering. During these challenging times, insight from Margaret Wheatley's book, Finding Our Way: Leadership for an Uncertain Time affirms this truth.
Have you worked in such a place? I remember that wonderful feeling as a young leader at IBM. I had moved from a line management position to a regional staff assignment with an upward momentum firmly in my mind. My manager was amazing in how he so easily seemed to demonstrate his trust in me. It was as if he thrust me out and up in front of him to fly. His belief in me made all things seem possible. It opened up the way for contributions to be made and created a sense of responsibility inside me that I could no longer let fear hold me back. The best part is that he modeled LEADERSHIP for me every day. I still carry his influences.
Concerns for people have taken some drastic hits in recent years and certainly during the the current economic downturn. As we look toward a new year, we all have an opportunity to renew our commitment to those who look to us for leadership. To be at the top of our leadership game, we need to master the art of knowing people and drawing them together in ways that inspires innovation at a new levels and help them soar to reach their own potential. This is a leader's role and to achieve it, we have to be conscious of our behavior and example. In my book, Putting Our Differences to Work, I describe the significance...
People are the number one source of new thinking and new ideas needed for change and the betterment of business and society. Putting our differences to work means learning to work more effectively in ways that accelerate our capacity to innovate, influence, and bring value to the marketplace, workplace, and society. It is our intention and behavior that breathe life into the words and give them meaning.
Who believes in you?
How are you manifesting belief in others?
Warm wishes to you all...
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author, Putting Our Differences to Work
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership
and High Performance
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