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Janina Browarska

Hi Debbe,

Love this analogy/truth..have been having one of those days on and off for a few months now, but am learning that I too am not invisible....we all have a light to shine and finding it is the wonderful part :-)

Hugs to you and Maureen


Hi Debbe, my name is Debbie, Deborah, I was born on July 4 th 1963, when i read your writng I said Ohh, right now I am dealing with something that is like a chess game and i now feel safe playing with Gods safety

debbe kennedy

Dear Debbie (Deborah), How nice of you to write. Interestingly, I am also a Deborah :-) Your words, "safe playing with God's safety" struck me. One of Rumi's most meaningful messages for me is "Fall into the safety of God." When I am troubled by anything, I always think of his wisdom and envision myself falling backwards into a very large, comforting hand. May this be your best year yet! Debbe

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