Did you ever wonder how outer success comes about? You may remember last month we focused our blogs and The Essential Feminine Living Room on the topic of Feminine Abundance. This month we are turning our attention to how our inner life informs and supplies our outer life. When we say inner life, we understand that this can mean different things to different people, cultures, and ways of life. No matter where you are or what you believe there is a universal truth that when we connect to our visions, intentions and deepest desires from a place of quiet, stillness and inner reflection the outcome is more balanced, harmonious and often more successful.
Traditions around the globe have valued the art of contemplation for thousands of years. For when we have the ability to connect in, listen from within and lead and live from within riches abound. The idea that quieting the mind leads to a quiet and replenished central nervous system has been proven time and time again from scientific research on meditation to the hundreds and thousands of people now prioritizing a practice of contemplation and stillness in their lives. There is a great interest in stillness and in developing our inner connection because the world has become fast and for many, out of control. The respite of a practice that guides us to connect deep within our self informs our sense of surety when we are making decisions as our level of clarity is greatly increased.
Do you have a practice for contemplation through your faith, personal inquiry or community? Can it be richer, more committed, more focused? Do you need support in beginning or creating a deeper, richer practice? If so, you are in luck. This month we will be discussing our inner life and outer success and on August 25th we will be joined in The Essential Feminine Company’s Living Room by Camille Maurine, a renowned teacher and author of a fabulous book entitled “Meditation For Women”. I have known Camille for many years and have had the pleasure of facilitating women’s groups with her in Los Angeles. She will show you simplistic ways to practice, still the mind and open new opportunities for you throughout the day. She’s a master and lots of fun. Join us on Wednesday, Aug. 25 at noon PST. By registering at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/987535361
Maureen Simon |
Co-Contributor |
Create Your Blueprint for 2010 |
[email protected] |
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