There is so much for us to learn from one another around the world. Our lives take different routes. Our paths are charted down different roads. Our destinies still are woven into some universal truths that we share as WOMEN and as LEADERS in our unique spans of influence.
I continue to be touched by the mystery of how our stories are drawn to one another through technology. The Internet has allowed us to meet in ways we never imagined would be possible --- to get a glimpse of our DIFFERENCES and SAMENESS all in one across the world --- to experience and connect as women in the distance, finding the common ground upon which we walk.
This beautiful woman in red, Naseem, is a wife, mother, a mid-wife, a musician, costume designer, teacher, speaks multiple languages, and is a member of the award-winning world band, DEBU. She lives in Indonesia. She also is my niece. Through Facebook, we reconnected across the distance. A small miracle for which we are most Grateful. A blessing.
Meeting Together Across the World...
Coming up very soon, there is another opportunity for us to meet through technology. We are commemorating International Women's Day 2011 Centenary Celebration 1911 - 2011 - 100 Years with an ONLINE global gathering with a focus on women's leadership. The Global Dialogue Center in partnership with Leader to Leader Institute (formerly Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management) warmly invite you to join us as our guest for a very special WEBINAR on Wednesday, March 9, 2011... See VIDEO INVITATION at this link for details:
(allow a few seconds for the url to open).
WOMEN in the LEAD: Our Significant Roles in the Global Economy
with a very special Executive Guest: Frances Hesselbein, founding president and CEO, Leader to Leader Institute. Among her many honors, Mrs. Hesselbein is a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States of America; awarded by President Clinton to honor her pioneering efforts on behalf of women, diversity, and volunteerism. Mrs. Hesselbein's Biography Her newest book has just been released, My Life in Leadership: The Journey and Lessons Learned Along the Way (Jossey-Bass 2011).
Wednesday, MARCH 9, 2011
at the Global Dialogue Center CONFERENCE Center
1pm - 3pm ET (New York) 10am - 12:00 Noon PT (San Francisco)
Check Global Time wherever you are in the world
Brochure to share (PDF):
So far, women are gathering from over 20+ countries and 33+ states across the United States to put their fingerprint on this special occasion. We hope you'll be with us too!
Warm regards,
Photo: Naseem by Debu Susaan
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead
Author, Putting Our Differences to Work