Hi everyone...
This year, we were not able to host our woman's dialogue for International Women's Day as we have in previous years, but we hope to do one again soon...
HOWEVER, memories are moments that we can revisit and rediscover joy, so I wanted to share reflections from last year in commemoration...
Over 375 women from around world were drawn to our online day of conversation. They signed up from over 25 countries and represented over 35 states across the United States...
It's A New DAY!
Online Day of Conversation for Women
...Celebrating International Women's Day
In many ways our day was a pioneering adventure to see if we could make such a connection and we did. You were amazing women! Doing interesting work, looking to renew yourselves, finding ways to change the world, and offering new thinking and ideas to share with others. The stage was set for dialogue with the inspiration personal and powerful message from Dr. Dorothy Height --- one that no women should miss!
To extend our connection across the world, we created It's a New DAY! Women's CENTER at Women in the Lead at the Global Dialogue Center.
Our aim is to give YOU access to highlights of this very special event, including Dr. Dorothy Height's message, be introduced to the causes that were showcased, explore an array of renewal resources, as well as the women and organizations that contributed their gifts to our day of conversation around the world.
Online Day of Conversation for Women
...Celebrating International Women's Day
To extend our connection across the world, we created It's a New DAY! Women's CENTER at Women in the Lead at the Global Dialogue Center.
Our aim is to give YOU access to highlights of this very special event, including Dr. Dorothy Height's message, be introduced to the causes that were showcased, explore an array of renewal resources, as well as the women and organizations that contributed their gifts to our day of conversation around the world.
Take a look: www.globaldialoguecenter.com/newday
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. --- Anais Nin

was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. --- Anais Nin
Click to see larger view of illustrations by Nancy Marguiles above...
Our It's a NEW DAY Women's Community POSTING PLACE
was created in response to the many women that wanted to share ...
* reflections and comments on our day of conversation
* stories, ideas, and best practices
* Services and offerings to help others